Saturday, May 7, 2016

Family Prayer Journal - The Fab Five

The Fab Five
We are hitting it hard today and finishing up our Monday prayers with the final five prayer entries. Let's recap what we have done so far:
  • Monday
    • The Kids
      • What would I most want Jesus to do for my children at this time? What concerns do I have at this time?
    • MY Day - The desires of my heart for myself and my family
      • Check out this post for the complete entry.
    • Rod (Your husband)
      • For His Protection
        • To and from work
        • From temptations
        • At work - guide him in his job/make Godly decisions
This is where we are so far. We are now going to add our last 5 entries to complete out Monday's prayer list. I want to point out that what/who I pray for may not jive with you. AND THAT'S OKAY! This is YOUR journal, pray for who or what you feel you need to pray for. Now let's do this! Deep breath!! Here we go...

If you Google marital conflict statistics you will find massive amounts of articles and studies. In one article, it listed the top 10 causes of relationship strain. The highest number: 64% of couples reported money worries as their number 1 issue.
It is imperative that we believe and pray for unity in our finances with our spouses. I am not talking today about tithe. That is a hot button issue that is for you and your spouse to talk about and agree upon. I do not have to stand before Jesus and be accountable for what you do with your finances. I have to stand before Him and be accountable for myself, and that gives me plenty enough to work on/deal with.
On Monday's, my prayers for our finances goes like this:
  • Finances 
    • Father, I ask that you would overhaul our financial minds. Please begin a new work in us. Help us to let go of what we think we know and allow you to create within us a new vision and purpose financially. Help us to break the strongholds and mindsets and to stop walking around the mountain. Please make the path that we are to take clear! Thank you Lord!!
 What breakthroughs do you need in your marriage when it comes to unity in your finances? That is what you are praying for today. It's hard. I get it. But Oh so worth it.

(I am going to give you a peek, in this section only, on what we pray for our finances for the rest of the week. In this instance, you really need to see the whole picture.)

  • Monday
    • Unity of Vision
  • Tuesday
    • See the needs of those around us
    • Area's where we would like to give more:
      • Examples: World Child, VOH, St. Jude's
  • Wednesday
    • That we would be an example to our kids with our finances
    • Please help us to redeem our mistakes
    • Help us to be givers and to help our children be givers
    • Please help us to be able to sow into our kids in all their various activities, sports, hobbies, needs
  • Thursday
    • That tithing would be a way of life - a standard we hold ourselves to.
  • Friday (I actually wrote out my Friday's prayer - the focus is to get out of debt)
    • Father, our ultimate desire is to be debt free. I want to see what Rod is like free of the burdens of debt. Please help us to be diligent about this vision. Help us to walk in a future different from where we have been (note: this prayer has already been answered - we are walking a new path). We do not want to be burdens to our children; we want to bless them with an inheritance...full of love, sweat, rewards, breakthrough, belief, admiration, success, and financial freedom!! Thank you Lord!!!


Make this your own. Pray for whomever is on your heart. My Monday prayer entry is for The Taylor's. They are a family I love and respect and desire to pray for and believe for success. Who is that for you?


My Monday prayer for the church is that our church would continue to grow: in attendance, wisdom, and finances.


This is actually a new prayer entry for me. I always pray for my job in the morning with Jonah on the way to school, but I have never added it to my prayer journal. Since my current job is a contracted position, I will pray on Monday's for the continued success of the program: finances, vision, direction.

Wow! That was a HUGE chunk!! But, hey! We are done!! We have successfully prayed for all topics for...MONDAYS!!

We will start all over again next week with our Tuesday prayer entries. Success to you and Happy Mother's Day!! I hope you are blessed with the chance to see, talk to, and/or spend time with your children!!

Father, thank you for our prayer vision for Monday's. For those who are on the Family Prayer Manual adventure, please bless them and bring to them a deeper understanding of their intimate talks with You, lifting up themselves, their children, their husbands, and their lives. Thank you for continued breakthrough and vision!! Amen!!

Here is a link to my personal, updated Monday prayers.

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