Friday, May 13, 2016

Family Prayer Journal - Finishing off Tuesday's

I'm not sure if you know this, but we Bowdle's love to party. And by party, of course, I mean start a project that will drain the life from us. I am so thankful to say that the floors are done, but now Rod wants me to paint all the walls. I might have my dining room back by June. Poor Thor has been so distraught over this project. I am thankful that Rod & Scotty worked so hard!! Often the projects we take on end up having drama involved. This time Thor jumped on the final coat and scratched up a huge section that had to be redone. Projects always make me think of this movie scene:

I have hilarious!!!

Friends, Family, Church, & Work

We are finishing up with our Tuesday prayers today. I saw this quote this week and I thought of you all:

Let this be an encouragement to you. You don't have to have everything written down in a pretty binder with stickers and gel pens for Jesus to hear you. All you have to do is talk to Him. Just open your mouth and spit out the words that are weighing you down. He loves it when you open your heart to Him and share what's on your mind. Yes, He already knows. Just like your kids already know that you love them or that you are happy when they do a good job. But how much more do they know when you take the time to verbalize those feelings? It's significant.

Who is on your heart to pray for today? This is your prayer journal. You can pray for a different friend each day or you can pray for different needs/attributes/fruits for the same friend each day. Make it your own.
On Tuesday's I pray for The Heng's.

Same as above: who is on your heart to pray for in your family? It can be someone who is saved, someone who isn't, someone battling a health issue, or a group of family members. You can also pray for the same family member everyday. It's up to you.
Make it your own.
On Tuesday's I pray for Rod's family.

We should pray for our church. We need prayer to get through life's challenges. So does our church. So do our pastor's and other church leadership. That's what I pray for today: church leadership and for the Toney's.

This may seem silly to some, maybe since I have spent time working for a church and non-profits, I think it is important to pray for your jobs finances. You want to pray for accountability, good stewardship, responsible accountants, and responsible leadership. My current job is funded by grants. I love what I do. If we don't have the grants the program doesn't run and I don't have a job. On Tuesday's I pray for the finances of my job & Rod's job.

You have an amazing gift. When Jesus rose up to heaven He sent His Holy Spirit to be here with us. All we have to do is open our mouths and let His Spirit flow in and through us. And there is your gift. The gift of prayer. There is tremendous power in prayer. And then add on faith that Jesus is hearing you and you can move a mountain.

Father thank you for these amazing, gifted women! Please help them to see all that is wonderful and good within them. Help them to know that their prayers matter; that the words that come from their mouths make a difference. Thank you for our friends, families, churches, and our jobs. Help us to lift these precious gifts up to You knowing that You will do a good work in them. Please help us to release our doubts and fears to You and find peace in our time before You. Lord, whether our prayers are on pretty paper with stickers and washi tape or uttered quickly in the shower, help us to know that You hear them in all forms; in desperation and weariness or in joy and laughter, You hear them. You are - yesterday, today, and always - an awesome God. Thank You Lord!! Amen!!


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